Thinking of installing air conditioning? How to choose an air conditioning specialist

Thinking of installing air conditioning? How to choose an air conditioning specialist

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Thinking of installing AC

With spring just around the corner, you may be thinking about installing air conditioning in your home or at your business premises.

It’s a great idea. The benefits are well known. Apart from the obvious – air conditioning keeps your home or office at just the right temperature – it’s also good for your health and that of your property too, filtering out allergens, reducing dampness and inhibiting the growth of mould and bacteria.

Air conditioning increases productivity at work, and improves sleep at home and because you don’t have to open windows to cool down, you can expect lower noise levels and less security risk.

The question is, how do you make sure you get the best value out of your installation?

Properly installed and maintained, air conditioning will more than return your investment, reducing bills and adding value to your home. However, if you cut corners, it may end up costing you much more than it saves.

Top tips for selecting an air conditioning specialist

So, here are our top tips for selecting an air conditioning specialist installer:

    • Check that your installer is fully qualified – this is essential. It is a legal requirement for air conditioning engineers working in the UK to be F-Gas certified in order to work with Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases, otherwise known as F-Gases that are present in air conditioning systems.
    • Check out your installer’s experience – what is your installer’s experience, how long has the company been in operation and what do their customers say about them? In particular, check out their customer service record and find out what happens if things go wrong.
    • Check the warranty your air conditioning specialist installer offers – air conditioning manufacturers offer warranties on equipment installed by companies they recognize as qualified and competent. If you choose the right installer, you should expect several years of labour and parts warranty, subject to regular maintenance of your air conditioning system.
    • Choose a reputable air conditioning specialist company rather than an individual – it’s tempting to take the cheaper option, particularly as recent circumstances have meant furloughed or laid-off engineers going ‘solo’ and offering cut-price installations. But remember, you need your air conditioning specialist installer to be around for the long term to service your air conditioning system and to maintain your warranty. If your installer has returned to work post-lockdown or is no longer in business, your warranty is useless. If something goes wrong, another company will not repair your system free of charge and replacement parts are expensive.  The old cliché applies here – buy cheap, pay twice.

Some things you may want to discuss and find out from your air conditioning specialist, once decided, are things such as selecting the most appropriate air conditioning unit for your home or workspace, any planning permission requirements and how long it will take them to supply and install your air conditioning,

Thinking of installing air conditioning? Get in touch with MAC today!

MAC is a well-established company, with many satisfied customers who depend on our services and have used us for many years. Our industry accreditations include ISO 9001 Quality Standard certification, SafeContractor and Which? Trusted Trader. All our engineers are fully qualified, and F Gas certified. We pride ourselves on outstanding customer service, installing only the best equipment and offering a comprehensive 7-year guarantee.



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